I have so much to say about this game. This is a game of a trans woman in 1999 discovering herself through AIM-esque internet messengers and a classic looking online forum. It's a very simple game with few mechanics (you mostly interact with a fake operating system) - I'd say it's "visual novel++", as it's very story driven but there are still other interaction aspects that happen.
The game also has one puzzle sequence near the end that involves some fake terminal/programming stuff. It's cute and quite original in the way it implements the puzzle!
That said...god this game was so relatable on several levels for me. It showcases a lot of the different struggles transgender women might face:
Wait you can do that? Just be a girl?
If I don't think about it, it will go away. It's more of a headache than it's worth.
It's okay to feel this way? And if I think I might be a girl than maybe I am one?
I faced many of the same questions and struggles myself, and in every interaction with other characters the answer is clear: you can't be certain how things will end up, but you'll figure it out, and you will make it through with the support of those who love you.
It's apparent the creator also had many difficulties with her father; almost every character in the game, most especially you, have painful father-child relationships.
This game may not speak to many who played it, but it spoke to me and it resonated with me. This game alone has made purchasing the itch.io bundle worth it.
Concept: ★★★★★
Design: ★★★★☆
Beauty: ★★★★☆
Replayability: ★★★☆☆
Playtime: 3-4 hours depending on how fast you can read/solve the puzzle
Recommend: YES (though be warned there's a lot of tlking like this 2 the othr peop le on chat
and uwu *hugs*