• Sept. 20, 2019, 11:54 a.m.

    Okay it's not evening yet, but what are the gamers up to?
    I saw Tropico 6 go on sale, which reminded me I hadn't played the DLC for Tropico 5 yet, so I have just been engrossed.

    If you don't know, the Tropico games are Caribbean island dictator management games. You get your island, you get to be as good or terrible of a president as you want, and you try to achieve bizarre mission objective with the financial assistance of cultivating and manufacturing goods to export. The populations are low enough that you can track each citizen as they go about their days, with their money, health, political allegiances, education, and such all individualized.
    I actually think, in terms of gameplay, the "dictator" role works really well- Sim City games don't give you a ton of control over specific buildings, while Cities: Skylines gives you a little too much godlike powers. On the other hand, I'm going to be that guy and say this series is problematic. But their satire is s SO godawful that it isn't worth being offended by. Like, seriously, I wouldn't say that usually, but these games are pathetically written.
    Overall, it's one of my gaming comfort foods.

    So what ya'll got on the docket?

  • Swampette
    Sept. 20, 2019, 12:04 p.m.

    Generally, I spend date night playing one of Sid Meier's many games (Civilization, if that wasn't clear). In my house growing up, Civ III was a way of life. The rivalry between my dad and my uncle in this was legendary. Since then, I've moved on through Galactic Civ, Civ V and Civ VI (we don't talk about Rev or IV).

    I still play Civ III from time to time, though. Your story about Tropico brought back that warm, familiar feeling Turn-Based Strategy brings to me.

  • Sept. 20, 2019, 3:12 p.m.

    Feels good to watch your people flourish (or suffer I guess). @Loopcanal finish our Civ V game you coward, the Incan (?) empire demands your French pittance.

  • Swampette
    Sept. 20, 2019, 3:34 p.m.

    Bruh the Inca are my jam. Jaguar Warriors Slingers [EDIT: So embarrassing... >////<] are the best! I love digging in and just waiting for the heat death of the universe while my enemies break upon me like waves.

  • Sept. 20, 2019, 9:16 p.m.

    I feel like I see the Tropico series on sale all the time, but I've never picked one up. I like turn based strategy games but I'm in this constant cycle of 1) I don't have enough time to play a match 2) I'm not good because I don't play often/know the meta 3) playing against anyone but the CPU isn't as enjoyable as I'd like.

    Today though, I'm hitting up Stardew Valley. Can't get enough of that game, it's just so damn relaxing. I love Overwatch and Dark Souls, but both of those games require some degree of energy input. Stardew Valley doesn't feel like it takes any effort to play.

  • Sept. 22, 2019, 3:10 p.m.

    Update: played Slay the Spire, got it as soon as it went on sale when I heard it was an excellent deck building rogue like. I’m 100% on board. I think it’s on switch and that seems like the perfect console for it.

    Also reinstalled Tropico 4 because I couldn’t remember the differences. It’s actually the better game I think. Allows finer control over your island. Tropico 5 introduced an interesting timing mechanic (you start as a colony that gets independence at the dawn of the 20th century) that I think they sacrificed a lot for. I wouldn’t say the trade offs were worth it. I’ll probably play through Tropico 4 again now.

  • Oct. 3, 2019, 8:24 a.m.

    I just recently found a game I had probably purchased a while ago as part of some humble bundle or something called Dangerous Golf. It's pretty much a destruction + golfing game. Controls can be a little wonky but they've done a lot of work to get the PHYSX to look real good. I've been blasting through the levels, I'd say it's a pretty good casual game. Not worth the $20 it's at right now on Steam, but worth playing if you pick it up as part of a bundle like I did.

  • Oct. 3, 2019, 10:08 a.m.

    I do like some good fizz-x and golf. Still looking to pursue my dreams of being a mini gold planner or replaying Hot Shots Golf games until I'm finally excellent at them.

    Update: Frustrated with one of the characters in Slay the Spire but HUGE fan of one of the other ones. Each character has their own special set of cards that get shuffled into your chances of drawing.

  • Oct. 18, 2019, 5:54 p.m.

    I had no idea I wanted it until I read about it- Yoku's Island Express went on sale for $5 and it is a Metroidvania (nice) mixed with pinball (VERY NICE) and it is cute as hell.
    Also, Jackbox 6 came out!

  • Oct. 18, 2019, 6:24 p.m.

    I felt like 5 just came out, they must be pumping these out like mad

  • Members 46 posts
    Oct. 18, 2019, 8:06 p.m.

    Playing some Mistover. It is a darkest dungeons clone, a little less difficult though and position in is on a 3x3 grid instead of in a line. If you check it out, a lot of the criticism is of the gold management in the game, (i.e. it being too hard to sustain gold) but that has been fixed.

  • Oct. 19, 2019, 11:06 a.m.

    One a year!

    This certainly does look a lot like DD, which I'm all for.

  • Swampette
    Oct. 21, 2019, 9:27 a.m.

    Just re-installed Viva Pinata on my PC.
    Viva is love. Viva is life.
    It's like a little zen garden, but you can beat your pets to death with a shovel.