Okay it's not evening yet, but what are the gamers up to?
I saw Tropico 6 go on sale, which reminded me I hadn't played the DLC for Tropico 5 yet, so I have just been engrossed.
If you don't know, the Tropico games are Caribbean island dictator management games. You get your island, you get to be as good or terrible of a president as you want, and you try to achieve bizarre mission objective with the financial assistance of cultivating and manufacturing goods to export. The populations are low enough that you can track each citizen as they go about their days, with their money, health, political allegiances, education, and such all individualized.
I actually think, in terms of gameplay, the "dictator" role works really well- Sim City games don't give you a ton of control over specific buildings, while Cities: Skylines gives you a little too much godlike powers. On the other hand, I'm going to be that guy and say this series is problematic. But their satire is s SO godawful that it isn't worth being offended by. Like, seriously, I wouldn't say that usually, but these games are pathetically written.
Overall, it's one of my gaming comfort foods.
So what ya'll got on the docket?