As for non video games, I'm looking for: - A game that I can play very slowly. Like, 5 min here or there at the office. Some rogue like or tactics RPG or some base building game is my dream. - More TTRPGs of course
My wife and I collect "non video games". We regularly go to cons to get "the latest" board game news, and I semi-regularly follow the Spiel de Jahres (annual board game awards).
Call me a purist, but I always recommend "the classic" TTRPGs to people when they are looking to broaden their horizons: Battletech is great for people who like slow, intentional combat (or people who like to make companion apps for games :P). The HERO System and it's subsidiaries (BESM, Champions, Fantasy Hero...) are great for people who like free-reign do-anything RP. That, and I've been DMing for DnD across three editions, for like fifteen years now.
As far as "quickie" board games, idk about "five minute" sessions, but there's a collection of great games you can hammer out with your friends in, say, a lunch break, or as "team building exercises"...
"Sushi Go!" [~$20] is a baby's first card drafting game that serves as a great "gateway game" to big boy games. "Cowboy" [<$5] is a one-card poker game that uses a normal deck of cards, is easy to learn, and allows for any number of players. "For Sale" [~$15] is a silly price-setting game that produces bargain memes for bargain values. "Fluxx" [~$10] is the granddaddy of RTFC games and has tons of xpacs and things.
I can keep going. These are all bare-bones "ask the cute girl you share a desk with to play a board game" games. Games that are not weird enough to alienate people, but still establish that you have a weird hobby :P
Page 2 of "Non Video Games that can be Played in a Lunch Break"
"Yomi" [~$15 a deck] is a card game based on elements from games like Tekken and Street Fighter. Rock Paper Scissors on steroids.
"Kingdom Builder" [$40] is an OG territory game made by the creators of Catan.
"Concept" [$45] is a social game that involves breaking down ideas into simple pictures. Charades the board game.
"Skull" [Free?] is a bar game that can be played using coasters, or playing cards, or anything you can stack in piles. A bluffing game that's more fun with alcohol.
These are a bit more in-depth, "Ask your work friend that knows all your inside jokes to play a game" games. Games that involve knowing the people you are playing with, but not to the point that it takes away from the game.