Share some websites that will take you down a wild ride, sites that give a glimpse of the early, wild-west days of the internet. That or just batshit crazy sites.
I am amazed that nearly all of the referential links still point to up-to-date WB content. I love the idea of someone actively maintaining the static-content repo that backs this.
I was looking around for vintage websites and came up a lot- a few clicks in and I found that entire page for Elizabeth Dole's cookie recipe
Last night, @sWaMPqUeeN and I watched Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century on a whim. It was quite wild, in one scene they make mention of the fact that (in 2049, when the movie takes place) Chelsea Clinton is the U.S. President.
One cornerstone of the film though is the extremely hip "space station colloquialisms" they stuff the movie with to make it seem futuristic. On a quest to find a list of said vernacular terms when I came across this:
I found this because of an open source project they made. Dug around in their profile a bit and found the 90s-era blog site that they still post to regularly!
First post, on hugs, was from 1998. Fascinating ruminations.