• Oct. 23, 2019, 4:30 p.m.

    I started playing Soma last night for some festive spoops. From the makers of Amnesia and Penumbra and nothing else, it plays identically to their previous work- so far I have no weapons and am being chased down by horrors, both real and imagined. BUT- the setting is much more to my personal preference, taking a sci-fi nightmare approach and having more interaction with other "living" things. Despite this, it still relies on audiotape storytelling a little too much (in the form of interacting with... data..) but Frictional Games knows what they're doing with oppressively spooky atmospheres and I'm excited to see what terrors unfold, if I'm brave enough to keep playing.

    I've also been enjoying podcasts and youtube channels doing their frightening October content. Wizard and the Bruiser covered Silent Hill, Matt McMuscles has been playing a slew of horror games, and How Did This Get Played? have slogged through a few painful video game entries and one not-so-bad one, Typing of the Dead.

    Have you played any good scary games recently? What do you think of some of the classics? Please like and subscribe.

  • Swampette
    Oct. 23, 2019, 7:08 p.m.


    As something of a horror conoisseur, I approve of your selection of spoop material.

    Silent Hill 2 is a must for anyone into the 'slow burn' scares. In the sci-fi genre, Alien: Isolation is quite good and on the newer side of most of my recommendations.

    The original F.E.A.R. is also pretty good for people who like to be able to do more.

    Last recommendation I have off the cuff would be the original Call of Cthulhu. That game gets pretty twisted and has some good Eldritch flavor to it.


    PNG, 325.9 KB, uploaded by DangerOrange on Oct. 23, 2019.

  • Oct. 24, 2019, 12:56 p.m.

    Man I never could get into the Amnesia style games, I was always frustrated with how slow the character moved. I know it's an atmospheric game, but it's not my style.

    Oh dude, I LOVE Typing of the Dead. It's such a blast of a game, while also helping improve typing speed. Like Mavis Beacon for the modern era.

    Also a huge fan of this game, though unfortunately I got maybe 80% of the way through the game then hit a well-known, unpatched, game-breaking bug. #ClassicBethesda

  • Members 90 posts
    Oct. 24, 2019, 2:26 p.m.

    I have a soft spot for Pathologic, though I have to admit I never played much of it. I mostly saw some videos & read some playthrough descriptions. It's obtusely designed, but it really nailed that sense of unease & mystery. I think the iffy English translation helped with that. Apparently a remake came out earlier this year.


  • Oct. 24, 2019, 2:28 p.m.

    This is one of my most well-known games that I haven't played for more than half an hour, and then I lost my PS2 games in an accidental purge. The HD remakes were hilarious, though, which McMuscles covered this month.

    I don't know why I haven't played these yet, though. Hm.

    Okay Micheal Bay

    They talk about Mavis on that episode! It's very funny.

    There are some not developed by Bethesda if you want to experience a buggy mess by a different publisher?

    This is on my list of games I wouldn't bother recommending to people but I always want to. It's just... hopeless and strange. Unease is right. Do you mean the HD remake or the SEQUEL which looks rad too?

  • Certified Good Poster™
    Oct. 24, 2019, 2:54 p.m.

    Might have to watch thru Pathologic, sounds interesting. I don't really go for standard, played-straight horror.

    I may go for playing World of Horror, mostly for the Aesthetic. I have an idea for a (non horror) game that follows the 1-bit aesthetic.

    EDIT: Speaking of watching. If you want a strangely cozy let's play to get you through several hours of something, check out either version of Supergreatfrien's [sic] Deadly Premonition let's play.

    DP is an unabashed Twin Peaks ripoff sieved through the insanity of Japanese game development. The game is hard to play, clunky, and repetitive; fertile ground for strangely charming characters, memorable moments, and grating yet catchy music. It's a really great video series to have on in the background, even if you just watch it for SGF's great voice, and the main character's driving monologues.

    Also, SGF is so dedicated in his LPing, that he lost his save a significant portion into his 100% play through, so he went through and played the game the exact same way so he could finish from the same point.

  • Oct. 25, 2019, 11:22 a.m.

    Oh shit there's more than one? I was thinking of Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (which, I'm now seeing, is made by Ubisoft and not Bethesda). Has anyone played the new one (@MisterPookie @DangerOrange)? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts, I loved what I played of DCOTE.

  • Oct. 29, 2019, 3:45 p.m.

    I played some Soma. I just get... SO stressed. I'm tempted to be a babby and play the "safe mode" which means you don't have to worry about the stalking segments and just focus on puzzle solving and story... but I know I'd be mad at myself for not just dealing with it and letting myself be spooked.

  • Oct. 29, 2019, 4:21 p.m.

    Nothing makes you feel more alive than sweat running down your pits and a heart rate of 180 while sitting in front of an electric numbers box

  • Swampette
    Oct. 30, 2019, 8:25 a.m.

    This is the working title for my autobiography.

  • Oct. 30, 2019, 9:04 p.m.

    Oh shit Soma's on sale on steam for $5...

    EDIT: Doin it

  • Nov. 6, 2019, 7:43 a.m.

    My review 5 minutes into Soma:

  • Swampette
    Nov. 6, 2019, 8:22 p.m.
  • Nov. 6, 2019, 8:34 p.m.

    My review an hour and a half into Soma (on safe mode)

  • Nov. 13, 2019, 2:44 p.m.
  • Nov. 13, 2019, 4:01 p.m.
  • Nov. 27, 2019, 3:31 p.m.

    Speaking of Call of Cthulhu - the new 2018 game is on sale as part of steam's autumn sale. Has anyone played it? Is it worth $20?