I'm kinkshaming this post
Wordseye input text:
There is a man. A good man. He is fine. He has enough skill to run a country. The man is perfectly balanced. He doesn't need a cabinet.
That said, you're putting words together and making things to fit what your brain is going to tell you. Also, this puzzle was the final puzzle of a puzzle as big as the galaxy, so I had to factor in all the pieces already in play. If you are going to write on paper for this, I recommend scoring both hands.
Red text means "we can't parse this", blue means "we had to compromise to make this work". Wow, it's beautiful. Must try more.
Wordseye input text:
You can't getaway
Cliquez manieux
...and more!
Elm is a new dynamic object-oriented language that aims to reduce the overhead of large-scale code reuse. This tutorial covers basic Elm code implementation, highlighting convenient chunks of code you can jump straight to without touching the compile stack.
Note that unlike the popular Smalltalk, the Elm core compiler does not have a clean way to parse Elm
Clearly giving it more freedom was not a good idea (said the fascist).
Never have we had such unprecedented access to the dreams of machines
let's do this
I don't want to argue with you either you just said it I said that I loved you but I don't do stupid. I love you two for sure, you are, and always will be a part of me. I don't know what to say if you have any questions or would like to hear more, because I just can't express it. Maybe that is why I love you, that I didn't know what to say but I know it right. And thanks, <we smile at each other and hug> I love you guys.
RAW Paste Data
(Wordseye had no idea what to do, it took a couple of tries with transformer to get it right)
Still a better love story than Twilight
A personal creation
HAHAHAH I'm obsessed with this
Fun fact, the airport in the background in this one is John Wayne Airport, the airport in my hometown. Also this guy used the same dancing man model as me 😡
why are these so GOOD. I want it on a tshirt